« Winnipeg Homes
$179,900 91 Rue le Maire, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Nearby/within neighbourhoods: Fort Garry / Whyte Ridge / St Norbert
Style:Single FamilyMLS No.:1405771
Living Area:890 sqftTaxes:$1,800
Year Built:1971  
91 Rue le Maire, Winnipeg, Manitoba property
View Full Listing Property description:

St. Norbert Townhouse - Clean 3 bedroom townhouse appliances as is condition 2 parking stalls in back some fresh painting pvc windows.

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Marcel Laurendeau
Office: 204-987-2100
Cell: 204-795-7318
View full details / Contact Info. »

This listing, a Winnipeg home has 3 bedrooms and 1½ bathrooms and $179,900 for the property price. The property taxes are $1800. The living area is 890 foot squared. This property is listed by www.obeo.com where you can find more info. The property's address is 91 Rue le Maire in Winnipeg, Manitoba.